Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Devil's Highway

For a course I am taking in January, I am to read Urrea's The Devil's Highway. It is a powerful account that starts with unraveling the death of the Yuma 14 (14 of 24 Mexican and Central Americans trying to enter the US through the desert west of Nogales and Tucson. I usually read while exercising on a recumbant bike but yesterday (it was cold here) I decided to read in my sauna. Being of northern European decent I have the sauna genome embedded in my DNA and built one in my house right after we moved in. However the absurdity suddenly hit me reading of those men dying in the Arizona desert in temps of 108 to 114 degrees - oh this is rich - I sit here in my Andover home trying to crank up the heat to get over the temperature that cooked these men's souls, and stuck their tougues to the rooves of their mouths, that so dehydrated them that when cut they do not even bleed. Oh yea that's is incredible! The heresy of my crime pulled me out of the sauna, but left me with an even sicker feeling than reading the book.

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